AI + Finance = Towards Finance Publication

Share your knowledge with a global finance and data science community

Janik and Patrick Tinz


Towards Finance

In July 2023, we started our Publication “Towards Finance”. Our mission is to build a global investment research community!

We started this publication because we are interested in finance and AI. We also find it very exciting to apply AI technologies to finance. It is our passion to combine these two topics.

In our publication, we want to promote the knowledge exchange of financial experts, financial analysts, quants, and data scientists.

We accept high-quality articles on topics like Money Mindset, Financial Freedom, Online Business, Entrepreneurship, Cryptocurrencies, Stocks, Time Series analysis, and more.

So, if you’re interested in finance and AI, Towards Finance is the right place for you!

Towards Finance is your place to learn all about Finance, Investment Research, and Artificial Intelligence in the financial sector.

Why you should write for Towards Finance?



Janik and Patrick Tinz

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